Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Schematic Design concept for environmental graphic
Concept inspiration
Taking cues from the idea of “Science on Display” and “Productive Collisions”, we envision a graphic design system of abstract patterning to evoke the fields of science, mathematics, and technology through its purest form, one that is uniform and random simultaneously, as it is in nature. Pattern not only demonstrates the fundamental building block of the iterative computational process for discovery, but it also is a platform of how these fields are intrinsically linked to one another. Our design represents this link of disciplines through the use of a simple triangular shape and geometric line work that tessellates into squares, cubes and hexagons. The tightly grouped pattern on the left can be printed on a custom wallpaper material, and as the pattern dissolves to the right onto the adjacent glass wall it transitions to a translucent color printed on clear film to a final transition of frosted vinyl with moments of colorful translucent triangles, like the leaves falling in the autumn.
Color Scheme
The design utilizes an ombre blending of the Virginia Tech color palette, “Chicago Maroon,” “Burnt Orange,” “Vibrant Turqusoise,” “Cadet Blue,” “Virginia Sunset,” and “Triumphant Yellow” to evoke the autumn color scheme base of the color palette which contrasts against the backdrop of the regional Blue Ridge Mountains.